Countermeasures against lightning strikes on golf courses

If you hear thunder, it might be a lightning strike

For example, if you hear a rumbling sound about 10 seconds after the light flashes, the distance to the lightning strike point is 340m/ sec (speed of sound) x 10 (sec) = 3400m. It's not "it's okay because it's still more than 3km ahead". Under a thundercloud with a diameter of 5 km or 6 km, it is in a state where lightning strikes anywhere.

In the event of a sudden thundercloud, please reconsider your risk management, such as whether the number of lightning protection huts installed and the number of people allowed inside are appropriate.

A PDCE lightning rod is a lightning rod that does not strike lightning

Lightning protection area image by PDCE

When a thundercloud suddenly approaches while playing golf, people gather all at once and can't enter the hut with only conventional lightning protection huts, and chaos occurs such as carts overflowing around the clubhouse. Assuming that golf cart electromagnetic induction may not be available depending on the golf course, it is assumed that players will need to guide themselves. And smooth guidance is possible.

Temporary evacuation is possible while riding in a cart

Since PDCE lightning rods make it difficult for lightning to strike with respect to a certain area, several lightning evacuation areas can be set up on the course to make it easier to guide players when sudden thunderclouds approach.

* Protection area image by PDCE

PDCE Lightning Rod Lineup for Golf Courses

We will make a proposal according to the area and facility where you want to take measures against lightning strikes.

[Wide range]
Low-rise buildings to large facilities


[Wide range]
Low-rise buildings to large facilities


[Normal range]
Low-rise buildings to large facilities


[Spot protection]
Up to 60 degrees from vertical axis


Protect assets and safety from lightning strikes in various locations
More than 3,400 units installed in Japan

Click here for proposals and product materials

Inquiries and consultations about each product handled

- TOKYO Office -
5-1-18 Kita-Shinagawa, Shinagawa-ku


- OSAKA Office -
1-7-4 Minamihorie, Nishi-ku, Osaka City
